Our complete collection of resources dedicated to overcoming social anxiety:

Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety or Shyness Quiz: What Do You Score?
A 25 question quiz designed to measure your current levels of social anxiety and social fear.
Social Anxiety Hierarchy Worksheet (PDF)
Conquer your social fears one step at a time by climbing up your "Anxiety Hierarchy." Here's a simple and powerful worksheet to get you started.
Rewrite Negative Beliefs (PDF)
Transform your negative beliefs with cognitive therapy techniques, including analyzing the language behind your beliefs and how to rewrite them from a more optimistic and motivating perspective.
Burn Away Negative Beliefs (PDF)
The simple act of writing down your negative beliefs and watching them burn away right in front of you can disempower them and help you let go. Most people feel an instant relief. Try it out for yourself!
The Logic Behind Social Anxiety: How Belief Patterns Become Self-Fulfilling
People with social anxiety often hold deep beliefs that they are "unlikable" and "inferior" – and this creates a feedback loop between their beliefs, their actions, and their anxiety.
How to Overcome Social Anxiety with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Everyone experiences a little bit of social anxiety depending on certain situations, but when we find that this anxiety impairs our ability to function in many everyday activities, then it may be time to seek out solutions such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT).
4 Ways to Reframe "Approach Anxiety" When Meeting New People
Learn how to overcome and reframe "approach anxiety," which is the common fear we all have of rejection and embarrassment before we meet someone new.
Tiny Social Anxiety Hacks To Make Your Daily Life Easier and Less Stressful
Here's a comprehensive list of tiny hacks that can help you better manage your social anxiety and make your daily life just a tad easier and less stressful. Which ones help you?
Social Anxiety and the Amygdala Hijack: The "Fear Center" of Your Brain
An "amygdala hijack" is when our fear response in the brain is so strong that it overrides our rational thinking. It's an emotional state that can often cause us to act in illogical ways. What can we do about it?
How a Kindness Mindset Helps You Overcome Social Anxiety
Need a good reason to socialize more? Try approaching people with a “kindness mindset.” When we meet people with the intention to do a favor, it can often disarm our sense of insecurity by taking the focus off of ourselves.
Why a Pet Can Help With Social Anxiety, Loneliness, or Depression
Too anxious to make new friends at the moment? Feeling lonely living by yourself? Just need a boost in your mental health in general? Maybe a nice loyal pet is exactly what you need right now.
The Hidden Power of Anxiety: Reframing Anxiety as Focus and Motivation
The beginner believes they must get rid of anxiety before they can take action – the master knows that anxiety is only energy to be channeled.
How Your “Imaginary Audience” Feeds Into Social Anxiety and Insecurity
Do you have an "imaginary audience" that is always following you around and judging you? This feeling that we are always being watched can become a great source of social anxiety and insecurity.
The 3 Second Rule: Anxiety is a Call to Action
When it comes to anxiety, time can often be our worst enemy. The longer you wait, the more your anxiety builds.


Confidence Quiz: How Much Do You Believe in Yourself?
A 25 question quiz designed to measure your current level of confidence. What do you score?
Strengths Worksheet (PDF)
This fun and easy worksheet will teach you how to identify your strengths, talents, and skills in life. Everyone has positive traits even when they aren't aware of them – discover yours and begin unleashing your full potential.
Core Values Worksheet (PDF)
Discover the essence of what really matters to you with our "Core Values" worksheet, guiding you to unearth, articulate, and harmonize your life with the fundamental principles that resonate at your core.
Role Models Worksheet (PDF)
Who do you look up to in life? We are a product of our influences. Complete this "Role Models" worksheet to create an endless resource of people you can be motivated and inspired by.
30 Positive Reframes: Transforming Weakness Into Strength
What you perceive as a "weakness" of yours can be a "strength" in disguise. Here are 30 positive reframes of different personality traits and characteristics. Which apply to you?
Why It's Worth It To Pay The Costs of Being Yourself
While "being yourself" has real costs – you risk being judged and ostracized by others – ultimately, the reward for being true to yourself is worth it in the long-term.
The Right to Take Up Space
If someone doesn't feel like they have the right to take up space in this world, they are going to get literally and figuratively walked over their entire life.
Quiet Confidence and the Perils of "Trying Too Hard"
Everyone has their own version of confidence. When most people picture "confidence" in their minds, they see it as loud and boisterous – but confidence can also be very quiet and reserved.
Undeniable Presence: How to Create a Powerful Aura Around Yourself
What does it mean when someone has a “presence” or “aura” about themselves – when someone walks into a room and they just ooze confidence, enthusiasm, and self-assurance? How can you create that type of presence in your own life?
The Power of Pretending You're Someone Else: Stepping Outside of a Limited Self-Image
By temporarily pretending to be someone else and putting ourselves in their shoes, we can actually learn more about hidden aspects of ourselves.
Why No One is Normal And How to Focus On Individual Uniqueness
Being "normal" is rare, being "different" is common. We all have different strengths and weaknesses, so we're all best defined by our individuality.
The Beautiful Mess Effect: People Like You When You Show You're Vulnerable and Imperfect
While we can be our own worst critics, most people appreciate it when people are authentic and when they reveal something that makes them feel vulnerable.
The Problem With Being "Too Nice" – And Why You Need to Stick Up for Yourself
According to research, being too nice can sometimes backfire on us. People who compulsively say "yes" to everyone's wants and needs often experience greater levels of stress and emotional burnout.


A to Z Gratitude List (PDF)
Experiment with the "A to Z Gratitude List" worksheet for a unique journey of positivity, appreciation, and reflection on the diverse elements enriching your life.
5 Senses Meditation (PDF)
Use this worksheet to meditate on each of your five senses. Take a step back and make note of any stimuli you observe through your vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. This is a great exercise to improve mindfulness and non-judgmental awareness.
7 Grounding Exercises: A Powerful Tool For When You Feel Overwhelmed
Grounding is a way to anchor yourself to the present moment when you're feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed. Here are 7 effective "grounding techniques" you can practice to become more relaxed and mindful.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Teach Your Body to Relax and Become Less Tense
A "progressive muscle relaxation" is an easy exercise to relieve stress and tension that's built up in your body, muscles, and joints.
100 Breaths Meditation: A Great Beginner's Guide to Meditation
The "100 Breaths Meditation" is a super easy exercise for improving your focus and attention. No apps required – just you and your breathing.
Blue Energy Hypnosis: Relax Yourself Through Visualization
The "Blue Energy Hypnosis" is an easy to practice exercise that uses the power of your imagination to create feelings of relaxation and comfort. Try it out for yourself and see how you feel!
Take a Moment to Appreciate Everyday Nature That Is Right in Front of You
Nature is all around us yet we rarely take the time to step back and appreciate it. New research shows that taking the time to notice "everyday nature" can boost mental health and well-being.
Listen to Birds Singing to Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and Paranoia
The sound of birds singing can be naturally relaxing and comforting to us. One new study finds that birdsongs can help reduce stress, anxiety, and even feelings of paranoia.
In Defense of Your Comfort Zone: Observing Your Sensitivity Threshold
Self-improvement requires a healthy balance between going outside of your "comfort zone" to grow and learn new things, while also retreating back to your "comfort zone" when it's time to relax and recharge.
How We Use Music to Manage Our Stress and Emotions
Music is one of the most popular ways we regulate our mental state and emotions. Here is a great breakdown of the many ways we can use the power of music to augment our lives (including using music for relaxation, motivation, creativity, and happiness).
Calm Yourself Down Using a "Safety Signal" to Combat Stress and Anxiety
A "safety signal" is any stimulus that we associate with relaxation and comfort. Here's how to use one to combat daily stress, anxiety, and fear!
50+ Stress Relievers That Take 5 Minutes Or Less
Too much stress, not enough time? Check out these simple and easy stress relievers that you can do whenever and wherever.

Social Skills

Introversion vs. Extraversion Quiz: Do You Get Energized or Drained Being Around People?
A 25 question quiz designed to measure where you are on the introvert-extravert spectrum. What do you score?
Social Intelligence Quiz: How Well Do You Navigate Your Social World?
A 25 question quiz designed to measure your current level of social intelligence and social skills. What do you score?
Conversation Threading: How to Never Run Out of New Things to Say
Do you have trouble keeping conversations going or easily run out of new things to say? Learn the powerful technique known as "conversation threading" to improve your daily social interactions.
Be Interested In Everyone: Curiosity Is A Superpower
When you become more curious about people, you not only improve your relationships and ability to connect with them – you also become a more well-rounded person overall.
First Impressions: Making Good Ones And Overcoming Bad Ones
How good are you at first impressions? Here are important tips and advice to keep in mind the next time you're meeting someone new.
The Power of "10 Second" Relationships: How Small Conversations Improve Well-Being
Every time we leave our homes, there is opportunity for social interaction. Studies show even just small "10 second relationships" can boost mental health and positive emotions.
5 Improvisation Exercises for Improving Your Communication Skills
Life rarely follows a script, instead it's a lot of improvisation. Here are 5 great improvisation exercises for improving your communication skills.
How to Defuse Heated Arguments Before They Spiral Out of Control
When we get heated, it's hard to think rationally and be respectful of others. Here is a great framework for improving your communication skills during intense and heated arguments.
Small Talk vs. Big Questions: How to Build a Deep Connection With Anyone
Small talk is nice, but it's the big questions that allow us to build a deeper connection with others. Check out these 36 "big questions" compiled by social psychologist Arthur Aron. They will give you great ideas on how you can steer your conversations in a more meaningful direction.
30+ Habits of a Classy and Respectful Person
Often doing the little things can make a big difference in how others perceive us. Here is a comprehensive list of 30+ basic habits that will make you a more classy and respectful person. How many of these do you practice on a daily basis?
Imagining Positive Conversations Can Improve Trust and Cooperation With Others
When people imagine positive conversations and positive outcomes in their relationships, they are more likely to believe in their plausibility, which prepares them to be more positive and cooperative in their real world relationships.
5 Lessons Standup Comedians Can Teach You About Public Speaking
Comedy requires a lot of social skill. Here are 5 lessons you can learn from comedians to improve your communication, story-telling, and sense of humor.
Build a Diverse Group of Friends: Each New Person Brings Out a New Side of You
To grow as a person, it's important to go beyond our "comfort zone" of people and seek relationships with those who are wildly different from us.
How to Destroy Performance Anxiety and Deliver an Award-Winning Show Every Time
Do you have performance anxiety when it comes to speaking, job interviews, or first dates? Here's a guide on how to overcome this anxiety and "steal the show" every time.
Bless the Messenger: Focus on Sharing More Good News With People
When you talk with people, do you usually share good news or bad news? The answer to this question could make a big difference in how people see you.

Body Language

How to Become a Master of Nonverbal Communication
Nonverbal communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between two or more people without the use of words. We can communicate in a variety of nonverbal ways including through our posture, gestures, facial expressions, touch, eye contact, and vocal intonation.
Body Language Is More Revealing Than Words: How to Read People More Clearly
Our bodies can often be more honest than our words when it comes to communicating our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Discover how to better read a person's body language and understand what they are really thinking.
The Unconscious Influence of Mirroring: The Power of Mimicking Other People's Body Language
How does mirroring another person's posture, gestures, and words improve our connection with them? Mirroring can be considered a form of empathy and "stepping into someone's shoes."
The Echo Effect: How Repeating People's Words Improves Social Interaction
Repeating people's words can be very important in building likability, comfort, and social connectedness. Psychologists are calling this the "echo effect."
Power Posing: Using Your Body to Improve Confidence and Reduce Stress
Learn the super easy practice of "power posing" to temporarily boost your confidence on a biological and psychological level in just two minutes!
Change Your Voice, Change Your Attitude: Record Yourself And Listen Back To It
Your voice plays a powerful role in how you communicate; this includes how you communicate to others, but also how you communicate to yourself. Here are 3 exercises to learn more about how your voice influences you.
The Psychology of Human Touch: Why Physically Connecting With Others Improves Well-Being
Human touch plays an important role in developing our sense of self, how we connect with others, and our overall happiness and well-being. Are you fulfilling your need for touch?
Watch Your Tone: How You Speak Is Just As Important As What You Say
Recent research shows that the way we speak is often just as important as the words we use. Some important characteristics of speech include: volume, pitch, tone, and pace.

Love and Relationships

Relationship Evaluator: How Strong Is Your Current Connection?
How deep is your connection with your partner, spouse, or loved one? Take this 25 question quiz to gauge your love and find out how solid your foundation is.
Past Relationships Worksheet (PDF)
Learn from past love to improve future love. This worksheet will guide you step-by-step so that you can take away the most important lessons from your past relationships.
Love Is An Art Project: We Must Create It On a Daily Basis
Love is a never-ending art project. It isn't something we just "discover" and cling to, but something we must deliberately create together on a daily basis.
How to Fall Out of Love With Your Ex: The Best Strategy According to Psychologists
How do you fall out of love with an ex? It can be one of the most difficult things in the world, but what if there's a way to decrease our feelings of love and learn to let go faster?
More Than Love at First Sight: We Grow to Love People for Their Quirks
One of the oldest questions in psychology is, “What causes two people to fall in love?” The truth is that your mindset going into a relationship may be one of the most important aspects to a healthy and long-lasting couple.
Sharing New Experiences is the Bedrock of All Healthy Long-Term Relationships
Every relationship is a story. The key is to keep creating new chapters by sharing new experiences together.
Diagnose Your Current Relationship Problems With These Key Questions
What is the current state of your relationship? Here are important questions to ask yourself to diagnose your current problems and find out how serious they are.
Do Your Relationships Survive the Zombie Apocalypse Test?
You can learn a lot about someone by how they respond to a crisis. Do your relationships survive the "zombie apocalypse test" – or would they break apart under pressure?
The Power of "We" and How One Simple Word Can Change How We View Our Relationships
All positive relationships require a "we"-perspective. Psychology research shows the use of the pronouns "we" and "us" is associated with happier relationships and better conflict resolution than when we focus on "me" and "you."
Feeling Unloved: The Need to Be Appreciated
We have a vital human need to feel loved and appreciated by others. Discover the profound impact of appreciation on self-worth, relationships, and well-being, and learn practical tips to cultivate more love and gratitude from others.
Parasocial Relationships: False Feelings Of Connection With People We've Never Met
"Parasocial relationships" are one-way relationships we develop with celebrities, media personalities, or fictional characters from TV shows, movies, or books. While they are normal and healthy, we have to be careful that they don't replace our need for real-world connection.
14 Powerful Genre-Bending Films That Explore Love in Unconventional Ways
Explore the world of love through a variety of lenses. Here's a collection of powerful films that each portray love and romance in a unique way, spanning multiple genres including drama, comedy, fantasy, animation, and sci-fi.

Conflict and Drama

Conflict Resolution: 4 Principles Behind Constructive and Peaceful Negotiation
In a world filled with conflict and hostility, one of the most important skills we can learn in life is conflict resolution and our ability to negotiate peacefully and effectively.
7 Mind-Dissecting Questions to Help Others Get to the Root of Any Problem
To get to the root of any problem, you need to know how to ask the right questions. Here are 7 mind-dissecting questions to help you better understand people's wants and needs.
How to Defuse Heated Arguments Before They Spiral Out of Control
When we get heated, it's hard to think rationally and be respectful of others. Here is a great framework for improving your communication skills during intense and heated arguments.
The Drama Triangle: How We Get Trapped in Playing the Roles of Victim, Rescuer, and Persecutor
The "Drama Triangle" is a great framework for analyzing how drama unfolds in our lives. People tend to fall into certain roles such as "victim," "rescuer," and "persecutor." Which role do you usually play?
The Power of Silence: When To Keep Your Mouth Shut and Preserve Your Energy
When someone says a stupid or rude comment in front of you, it's tempting to want to immediately respond to it. However, often silence is the most powerful response.
Protest Behaviors: Unhealthy Ways We Try to Win Back Love and Attention
Protest behaviors are actions we take when something is going wrong in a relationship and we're trying to "fix" it. While they can often come with good intentions, they are ultimately an unhealthy and potentially toxic way of expressing ourselves.
Do You Talk About Your Problems Too Much? How We Become Addicted to Negativity
When you feel the need to talk about your problems over and over again, they can often seem much worse than they really are. Here's how we can become addicted to negativity and drama.
The "Silent Treatment" Is A Sign of a Toxic Relationship
The "silent treatment" is when a person purposefully cuts off communication with someone to try and change them or manipulate their behavior.
How to Communicate Your Feelings Without Becoming an Emotional Manipulator
It's important to be open and honest when you communicate your feelings to others, but we also have to be careful not to turn ourselves into "emotional manipulators." 
I Feel You: Why Emotional Validation is More Important Than Giving Advice
When someone talks about their problems, it's tempting to want to help and offer advice. However, new research shows the most important thing is to just listen and validate their feelings.
Let Bygones Be Bygones: Forgiveness and Letting Go of Emotional Residue
When you have a bad interaction with someone, how quickly can you let it go? The answer can make all the difference in your happiness and relationships.
Hard to Talk About Topics: Write a Note to Someone Instead
Do you find it hard to talk about something important? Consider writing a note so you can communicate your thoughts and feelings in the best way possible.
Giving People Space: Know When to Leave People Alone
It is said that "attention is the currency of relationships," but we have to spend it wisely. Do you know how to give people space?
Imagining Positive Conversations Can Improve Trust and Cooperation With Others
When people imagine positive conversations and positive outcomes in their relationships, they are more likely to believe in their plausibility, which prepares them to be more positive and cooperative in their real world relationships.
7 Things to Remind Yourself When Interacting With Difficult People
We all have to deal with difficult people throughout the day. While these are never pleasant experiences, here are healthy reminders to make the process easier.
People Are Like The Weather: Hard to Predict and Outside of Your Control
People are like the weather. Do you get mad at the weather?
The Desire to Change People: Letting Go of What You Can't Control
The desire to change people is natural, but it can also become toxic and stressful. We should let go of trying to change those who aren't willing to change.


Loving-Kindness Meditation: Send Warm Feelings to Everyone
Here's how to create "compassionate love" for any person through a simple loving-kindness meditation. Buddhism meets neuroscience.
How to Rewire Your Brain to Be More Kind Toward Others
Kindness is a muscle that can be strengthened with practice, so even if you don't consider yourself a naturally "kind person," there are things you can do to become nicer toward others.
Don't Underestimate the Power of Good Intentions: The Meaning Behind Your Actions Matters
Don't underestimate the power of good intentions – the meaning behind our actions can be just as important as the results of those actions.
How a "Giving Mindset" Reframes What You Have and Empowers You
A "giving mindset" can empower you. When you dedicate your time, money, or energy to helping others, you are subconsciously saying to yourself, "I have plenty."
The Ripple Effect of Kindness: How One Good Act Multiplies Into Many More
One small act of kindness or generosity can have a much larger impact on the world than you realize. New research shows the "ripple effect" of kindness.
Self-Compassion: Kind Thoughts About Yourself Boost Both Physical and Mental Health
Self-compassion is one of the most important life skills. How often do you actively think kind thoughts about yourself? It could make a big difference in both your physical and mental health.
Bless the Messenger: Focus on Sharing More Good News With People
When you talk with people, do you usually share good news or bad news? The answer to this question could make a big difference in how people see you.
Good Manners in the 21st Century (And Why It's So Hard to Be Nice in Today's World)
What does it mean to have "good manners" these days? Here are excellent tips for how to practice being a more respectful and kind person in the 21st century.
The Power of Checking In On People: How to Preserve Your Social Connections
Who is someone you haven't connected with in awhile? Reaching out and checking in on them likely means a lot more to them than you realize.
3 Reasons to Give People the Benefit of the Doubt
In your world, are people innocent until proven guilty - or guilty until proven innocent? Here's why you should learn to give people the benefit of the doubt.
Enemy's Gift: Why Your Enemies Are Your Best Teachers in Self Improvement
Enemies can be our best teachers when it comes to self improvement. The enemy's gift is a concept influenced by Buddhism. The core idea is that our enemies often give us rare opportunities to challenge ourselves and better ourselves.